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Ministry of Mines’ National Energy Survey underway

Ministry of Mines’ National Energy Survey underway

Staff Reporter

THE Ministry of Mines is undertaking a comprehensive National Energy Survey and Affordability Study in partnership with the World Bank.

This study began on 7 October 2024 and is anticipated to finish on 11 November 2024. According to the ministry, the study aims to gather essential data to support informed decision-making and effective policy implementation.

“The study, which will be carried out nationwide, aims to assess socio-economic conditions, identify development needs, and provide a robust evidence base for formulating policies and programmes aimed at poverty reduction and sustainable development by expanding universal access to energy,” the ministry explained.

Photo: Ministry of Mines’ National Energy

The Ministry of Mines outlined that the study encompasses various assessments, including household surveys to examine energy access and affordability at the household level; community and public institution surveys to evaluate energy access in communities and facilities such as schools and health centres.

“Furthermore, it will also include enterprise surveys to evaluate energy access in the manufacturing, service, and agro-processing sectors, as well as an off-grid solar market assessment to understand the supply and demand dynamics of the off-grid solar market,” the ministry said.

The ministry urged selected households to participate in the study and assist the field team by providing honest responses to survey questions. For transparency and trust, the ministry assured that data collectors and enumerators would carry name tags and identification letters verifying their identities, roles, and purpose in this exercise.

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