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President Mbumba calls for global support to tackle climate change

President Mbumba calls for global support to tackle climate change

Staff Reporter

PRESIDENT Nangolo Mbumba has raised concerns regarding climate change, highlighting that Namibia and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are experiencing significant impacts as a result.

“Namibia is particularly concerned about the impact of climate change. Changes in ocean temperatures have affected our fish stocks, with potential long-term consequences for our livelihoods, ecosystems, and tourism. Namibia and the rest of the SADC region are experiencing the El Niño phenomenon, which has adversely impacted food security. In this regard, Namibia had to declare a State of Emergency to address the severe effects of drought,” the president said.

CONCERNED ABOUT THE CLIMATE: President Mbumba speaking at the UNGA79. Photo: Namibian Presidency.

He made these remarks at the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA79) in New York, United States, held under the theme “Leaving no one behind: Acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations.”

President Mbumba further explained that Namibia is actively pursuing the development of green industrialisation ecosystems to support global efforts against climate change. He called for assistance in achieving this goal to enable a gradual transition to sustainable energy.

“Namibia is working to develop a sustainable energy mix to support its ambitious industrialisation agenda and to contribute to the world’s efforts to combat climate change. We are establishing green industrialisation ecosystems for decarbonising industries that find it difficult to lower their greenhouse gas emissions. Investment in these key sectors is critical, and Namibia is urging developed nations to scale up support for developing countries to facilitate gradual energy transitions,” the president said.

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