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Waandja encourages subsistence farmers to work hard

Waandja encourages subsistence farmers to work hard

Placido Hilukilwa

ALTHOUGH the current rainy season started early compared to previous years, there are still areas in the northern regions that have not yet received enough rain. However, the sporadic and unpredictable rainfall should not discourage subsistence farmers, said Senior Traditional Councilor Elias Waandja.

Waandja, who is the Chairperson of the Oukwanyama Traditional Authority (OuTA), emphasized that farmers should not be discouraged, regardless of the unpredictable rainfall. “They must continue cultivating their fields to fight hunger and strive toward food self-sufficiency,” he said, adding that whether it rains or not is not for us to decide. “Ours is to work our fields and hope and pray for rain,” he said.

PICTURED: Even though some parts of the northern regions have not yet registered enough rain, mahangu fields are showing signs of a good harvest ahead.

Waandja warned against laziness and the habit of some people who, instead of cultivating their fields, keep themselves busy with trivial matters but later demand “drought food assistance”.

There is a general rule for all eight traditional authorities of Aawambo that mandates that during the rainy season, shebeens open in the afternoons only to allow people to spend the morning period working.

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