Staff Reporter
THE Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein, highlighted the urgent need to develop flexible and adaptable processes in the water supply chain to sustainably address the pressing demand for safe water for everyone.
“Decision-makers must make the correct decisions, and to be able to do that, we need to stand on solid scientific facts. We have to research, develop methods, and measure to provide that scientific foundation. We must develop flexible and adaptable processes in the water supply chain to ensure that the overriding need for safe water for all is sustainably satisfied,” he said.

He made these remarks at the 2024 Southern African Development Community Cooperation in Measurement Traceability (SADCMET) Water Quality Proficiency Testing and Evaluation Workshop. The workshop aims to gather SADC stakeholders to explore ways to enhance the understanding of proficiency in water testing methodologies and best practices.
“The SADCMET Water Proficiency Testing Program is more than just an evaluation tool—it is a platform for regional collaboration, knowledge exchange, and capacity building. By harmonising our water quality testing standards across countries and ensuring measurement traceability, we are strengthening our ability to verify measurements and validate methods in a collaborative manner that ensures water safety and the protection of our people and environment,” Schlettwein said.
He highlighted that accurate, consistent, and reliable water testing is essential, especially in light of the risk of pollution to water resources. He emphasised that the workshop is vital for improving the skills and capabilities of laboratories in Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries, ensuring they have access to the latest methodologies and technologies for water evaluation.
“As we move forward, let us remember that water is a shared resource, and its quality is a shared responsibility. Together, we can ensure that the SADC and Eastern African countries remain models of excellence in water management and leaders in promoting sustainability,” Schlettwein added.