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Covest Wealth 3.0 takes a closer look into Investors Reinvesting Matured Investments in Trustco Domestic Investment Program (TDIP) Portfolio Performance

Covest Wealth 3.0 takes a closer look into Investors Reinvesting Matured Investments in Trustco Domestic Investment Program (TDIP) Portfolio Performance

In June 2022, Trustco Life unveiled its pioneering TDIP6a.22. This innovative program, aimed to contribute to Namibia’s educational advancement by raising local funds in support of tertiary students’ education, offered above average returns, and provided Namibians with a unique opportunity to invest locally.

Since its inception, TDIP6a.22, with a limited investment cap of N$50,000,000, attracted substantial investments and was fully subscribed. Demonstrating unwavering confidence in the program’s strength and performance, current investors have opted to reinvest a significant portion of matured investments in its successor programme, TDIP8b.22, underlining trust, and commitment to optimizing their returns with a long-term sustained growth perspective.

Covest Wealth3.0’s CEO, Pieter de Klerk elaborated: “Investors’ decision to reinvest matured investments into the TDIP program, aligns with Covest Wealth3. 0’s mission for seeking above average, trusted returns in the investment market on a shared risk and shared reward approach, creating wealth and financial security for its clients with confidence. We remain dedicated to aiding investors in achieving their financial goals through prudent and strategic investment management and analysis.”

With guaranteed fixed interest rates options, over 1 to 5 years, all exceeding the current Namibian prime rate of 11.5% and an unmatched 14.72% fixed over 5 years as the flagship option, the new program aims to uplift the Namibian society by raising funds for tertiary education and support ordinary consumers in bridging their short-term financial needs to long-term financial success. The resounding success of TDIP6a.22 has prompted Trustco Life’s Board to authorize the second Trustco Domestic Investment Program, TDIP8b.22 limited to N$150,000,000.

The decision of investors to reinvest matured investments comes with compelling reasons:

• Proven Performance: The TDIP investment portfolio consistently outperformed industry benchmarks, delivering stable and competitive returns. The guaranteed interest rates, exceeding Namibia’s prime rate, have been honoured throughout the investment period, forming the bedrock of investor confidence.

• Confidence in Asset Allocation: The expertly crafted asset allocation strategy of TDIP captures market opportunities, maximizes returns, and effectively manages risks.

• Investor Commitment: The Trustco Domestic Investment Program is dedicated to delivering value by reinvesting profits, maximizing long-term growth potential, and honouring its commitment to investors.

• Market Resilience: Despite market fluctuations and economic uncertainties, the robust TDIP portfolio has weathered all challenges, consistently delivering on its guarantees.

Covest Wealth3.0 is a reputable investment firm dedicated to providing its clients with superior financial solutions and investment opportunities while taking leaps forward in the current investment market. As a forward-thinking investment firm, Covest Wealth3.0 will continue to monitor market conditions, adapt to changing dynamics, and explore opportunities for diversification and growth. With a proven track record of delivering consistent and competitive returns, the company has earned the trust of investors seeking long-term wealth growth and financial security.

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