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MTC-Kilimanjaro final bonanza set for Friday

MTC-Kilimanjaro final bonanza set for Friday

Maria David 

A TOTAL of 60 bouts will be on show at the final edition of the Northern Amateur boxing championship that is hosted by the MTC-Kilimanjaro Boxing Club.

The championship, which was broken down into three editions, is set for tomorrow, 8 October, and will conclude on Saturday.

The event, which will be held at the Oshakati Independence Stadium, will be free of charge.

Chairperson of the club, Joseph Bernhard, said the aim of the championship is to prepare boxers who are participating in the MTC youth games slated for December this year.

PREPARED: ALL roads lead to Oshakati for the final edition of MTC-Kilimanjaro Boxing bonanza. Photo by Maria David

Bernhard stated this will be the biggest championship yet to be hosted by the club, with boxers from the Oshana, Omusati, Oshikoto, Ohangwena and Kunene regions participating.

“We are doing this to develop young boxers who will represent us at the world championship games,” he said.

Bernhard called on the communities of Oshakati and surrounding areas to come out in large numbers and witness rare talent.

Simon Amakali, chairman of the Amateur Boxing Federation, said he is happy to see boxing progressing well in the region and he hopes to see more boxers showcasing their talent.

Amakali noted that with the establishment of the three clubs in the region, over 300 boxers are currently registered in the Oshana Region alone.

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