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Poor rainfall and prolonged dry spells plague north-central regions

Poor rainfall and prolonged dry spells plague north-central regions

Staff Reporter

THE north-central regions experienced poor and delayed rainfall as well as prolonged dry spells during the 2022/2023 rainfall season.
This was highlighted in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform’s Crop Prospects and Food Security Situation Report, which identified the Omusati, Oshana, Ohangwena and Oshikoto regions as the areas that were most affected by poor rainfall performance.
“The poor rainfall performance was seen in the forms of erratic rainfall patterns with frequent prolonged dry spells, accompanied by high temperatures,” the report read.

According to the ministry, the Omusati Region saw poor rainfall in the first half of the rainfall season and this worsened in the second part of the season. The region’s severe dry spells affected the Outapi, Anamulenge, Etayi, Oshikuku, Okalongo, Ogongo, Otamanzi, Tsandi and Ruacana constituencies.

However, the Anamulenge, Etayi and Ruacana constituencies were also highlighted as some of the areas that received better rainfall this season compared to the previous rainfall season. Moreover, the Okalongo, Ogongo, Otamanzi, Onesi and Ruacana constituencies received productive rainfall in January.

The ministry revealed that several constituencies in the Oshana Region also experienced poor rainfall during the first half of this rainfall season. These constituencies include Ongwediva, Oshakati East, Oshakati West, Ompundja, Okatana, Uukwiyu Uushona, Okatjali, Ondangwa, Uuvudhiya and Okaku.

Nonetheless, Oshana Region’s rainfall performance was not poor throughout the entire rainfall season. For example, the Okatana Constituency received productive rainfall in January, while the Ongwediva Constituency received productive rainfall in February and March.
Several of Ohangwena Region’s constituencies also saw poor rainfall performance during this rainfall season. This came in the form of sporadic and insufficient rainfall, followed by a serious dry spell in December and February. The affected constituencies, according to the ministry, include Eenhana, Endola, Ongenge, Omulongo, Epembe, Ondobe and Omundaungilo.

Still, some of Ohangwena Region’s constituencies received good rain during this rainfall season. The Oshikango Constituency was highlighted as an example of this. Despite this, the Oshikango Constituency still experienced delayed rainfall and a dry spell in February.

The Oshikoto Region was also not spared from poor rainfall. According to the ministry, the region experienced sporadic, insufficient rainfall, with prolonged dry spells in December and January. These conditions impacted the entire region, but the Olukonda and Oniipa constituencies were most affected. The ministry explained that Olukonda’s dry spell was mostly felt in December and February, while Oniipa experienced dry spells in December, January and March.

Other constituencies in the Oshikoto Region also experienced sporadic and inadequate rainfall. This includes the Onayena, Eengodi, Okankolo, Nehale LyaMpingana and Omuthiya constituencies. However, Onayena and Nehale LyaMpingana received good rainfall in January, but were still not spared from a dry spell in February.

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