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SPAR 10km run heads northern

SPAR 10km run heads northern

Staff reporter

THE inaugural edition of the Spar National 10km Championships Run was officially launched in the capital, with the race anticipated to scout for fresh talent to represent the Oshana region at national championships. 


According to the Event Organisers, the race will take place this coming Saturday between the Oshakati and Ongwediva main road in a 10km challenge. 


There are 10 categories that will see children from the ages of 10 to 13 years, to veterans from 40 to 49 years, partaking.
Bertholdt Karumendu, one of the event organisers, said that the run, which will start at the Ongwediva Spar to the Oshakati Spar, will also serve as an opportunity for scouting fresh talent in the region, as well as create exposure for aspiring runners at grassroots level.

TOP HONOURS:  Oshakati-Ongwediva road will host the first ever SPAR 10km run this coming weekend. Photo Contributed

“One of the reasons why we launched this race is to promote the sport at grassroot level and also to scout talents in the region,” said Karumendu, adding that the event is open to all Namibians.


Karumendu said they decided to take the competition to the northern part of the country because for the last few years, the country’s most renowned athletes are mostly from northern Namibia. 


“I believe getting it out to the people in the north will lead to finding other future athletes. Look at Helalia Johannes and Beata Naigambo, they all hail from the north, so it gives you a clear indication that there is plenty of such talent in that area. Although other regions have produced two or three athletes at a time, most of them are from the north,” he added.


The competition boasts runners from all corners of the country that will come together to fight for top honours, with big names like Helalai Johannes and others expected to grace the road.


“We are calling on the public to come in big numbers and participate in this competition. We will have athletes from the NDF, Namibia Correctional Services and others at the event. We are also arranging to see Helalia taking part in this event, but we are still arranging on her fees,” he concluded.

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