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Mbidi fires back in nasty NFA saga

Mbidi fires back in nasty NFA saga

Mbidi fires back in nasty NFA saga

SQUABBLES: Frans Mbidi and NFA SG Barry Rukoro

RECENTLY dismissed Namibia Football Association (NFA) President, Frans Mbidi, has fired back at the football governing body by reporting in-house squabbles, as well as reporting his ongoing battles with General Secretary Barry Rukoro to FIFA General Secretary, Fatma Samoura.

Mbidi was fired on 28 October after the NFA Executive Committee Meeting convened to address issues surrounding the NFA prior Elective Congress slated for 12 January 2019.

In the letter, Mbidi states that his dismissal as president of the NFA was done unconstitutionally, adding the NFA moved up the elective congress slated for 12 January 2019 against his wish. He added that the decision to suspend him was based on flawed interpretation of two Articles, 35 and 37, which state that a motion of dismissal must be submitted in a proposal by any Executive Committee member on the agenda of the meeting or Congress, and that the motion must be justifiable and sent to members of the Executive Committee along with the agenda, respectively.

“During the last executive meeting it was agreed to appoint Barry Rukoro as GS until end of 2018 despite my refusal to propose his name for appointment. By so doing, a portion of executive committee members have literally captured the NFA General Secretariat which has made my duties as the supervisor of the general secretariat very difficult, let alone arranging meetings through the general secretariat,” he explained.

“I suspect that the real reasons behind this desperate action is that Barry Rukoro is recognized neither by myself nor FIFA as the GS and after their failed attempts to force me to co-sign financial request to FIFA with him, they needed me out of the office to access FIFA funds as well as to do as they please with the designated acting President, who happens to be Dr. Ngalangi,” Mbidi said.



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